The 1968 Commemorative Issues

This week I turn my attention to the 1968 commemorative issues. As I point out in my detailed post that follows, this year marks the beginning of a new era in which certain aspects of stamp production that had been experimental in previous years now becomes standard practice. These aspects are: All of the stamps printed are now in the new metric sizes, rather than the old imperial ones. Fluorescent papers are now the norm rather than the exception. Straight edged sheet stamps appear for the first time since 1934. Cello-paqs, which had been in use since 1961 are discontinued in favour of large softcover booklets for the Christmas issues. Lithography, photogravure, engraving and lithography, and engraving and photogravure all become mainstream methods of printing. Photogravure and engraving is a completely new method of printing that BABN introduces in this year, and photogravure is introduced for the first time by CBN. Prior to this almost all Canadian st...