Wet Versus Dry Printings On The 1911-1928 Admiral Issue

Overview This aspect of the series is a source of confusion for the beginner - especially when they only have a few stamps from the series and are trying to figure out which printings are which. However, I will show you a series of tests you can employ that will help you decide how to properly classify your stamps. First it helps to know which stamps exist only as wet printings, and which exist only as dry printings. Studying these and applying my tests to them will help you become comfortable with the reliability of the tests and will help you when the time comes to applying the various tests. The following values of the set exist only as wet printings: The 1c green The 2c carmine The 5c dark blue The 7c yellow ochre The 10c plum The 1c and 2c perf. 8 horizontal coils All the perf 12 horizontal coils The 1c green and 2c carmine perf. 8 vertical coils The following values exist only as dry printings: The 8c blue The 10c bistre brown All the ...