The 1972-1978 Caricature and Landscape Issue

This week I begin a long series of posts that explores, in depth, my favourite definitive issue: the 1972-1978 Caricature Issue of Canada. This issue followed on the heels of the extremely popular 1967-1973 Centennial issue. Because of how popular the Centennial issue was, many collectors did not pay a lot of attention to this series, with the result that a lot of what are now known to be very scarce printings were overlooked and used for postage. This has resulted in the series being quite challenging to collect. It offers a specialist nearly everything they could want in a stamp series, including:

  1. Shade varieties.
  2. Design type differences.
  3. Constant plate varieties.
  4. Perforation differences.
  5. Tagging differences.
  6. Paper fluorescence varieties.
  7. Other paper varieties, such as thickness, texture and coating.
  8. Line and comb perforations, as well as perforated an imperforate selvage.
  9. Interesting postal history
  10. Multiple plates and printings of the same stamps done by 2 different printing firms. 
The detailed post presents the basic stamp designs, and then gives a brief overview discussion of how you can delve into the above aspects to form an in-depth, specialized collection of this issue. 

To access the detailed post, click on the following link:


  1. Fullz (CC, CVV, High CS, EIN Business, etc)
    Tools (Carding, Spamming, Hacking, Penetration, etc)
    Tutorials (Filling, SBA, Carding, CAshout, Dumps Cash out, etc)
    Scam Pages (FB, E-Bay, Spotify, Amazon, etc)
    Dumps (Track 101 & 202 Pins/without Pins)
    Mailers (PHP, SMTP, alxus, web mailer, etc)
    Leads/Pros (SSN DOB, SSN DOB DL, Employement, etc)
    Dead Fullz
    Viruses (RAT's, Key-loggers, etc)
    Kali Linux Complete

    All legit stuff Available at cheap Prices
    Guidance will be provided if needed
    Contact for more info

    @killhacks ' TG/icq
    peeterhacks ' Skype/Wickr
    Mail ' exploit(dot)tools4u at gmail (dot)com


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