Schedule of Upcoming Posts For January-March 2016

Now that I will have completed my listings for the Wilding Issue, its time to start the New Year with a change in direction. I have decided to go back in time to 1903 and cover the King Edward VII, Quebec Tercentenary and Admiral Issue of 1911-1928. The Admiral Issue will probably take the better part of a month to post about due to its complexity. I also have a good stock of this issue, so I can illustrate lots of aspects not covered in Unitrade. The Edward VII and Quebec Tercentenary I have less of, so apart from the basic stamps, I will be writing mostly from knowledge.

The approximate order of posts in January-March will be as follows:

The 1903-1911 King Edward VII Issue

1. The 1903-1911 King Edward VII Issue - overview
2. Shade varieties on the 1903-1911 Edward VII Issue
3. Re-entries and retouches on the 1903-1911 Edward VII Issue
4. Paper varieties of the 1903-1911 Edward VII issue.
5. Cracked plates on the 1903-1911 Edward VII Issue
6. The 2c Imperforate Edward VII Issue, experimental coil stamps and booklets
7. Pitfalls and cautionary notes about the 1903-1911 Edward VII Issue
8. Postal stationery and postal history of the 1903-1911 Edward VII Issue
9. Proof material and imperforates of the 1903-1911 Edward VII Issue
10. Plate multiples of the 1903-1908 King Edward VII Issue

The 1908 Quebec Tercentenary Issue 

11. The 1908 Quebec Tercentenary Issue - overview
12. Shade varieties on the 1908 Quebec Tercentenary Issue
13. Plates and plate multiples of the 1908 Quebec Tercentenary Issue
14. Re-entries on the 1908 Quebec Tercentenary Issue
15. Imperforates and proof material for the 1908 Quebec Tercentenary Issue
16. The impact of condition on stamp values: the 1908 Quebec Tercentenary Issue
17. Pitfalls and cautionary notes on the 1908 Quebec Tercentenary Issue
18. Collecting postal history on the 1908 Quebec Tercentenary Issue

The 1911-1928 Admiral Issue

19. The 1911-1928 Admiral Issue - an overview
20. Wet versus dry printings on the 1911-1928 Admiral Issue - how to distinguish them.
21. The die types on the 1c and 3c 1911-1928 Admiral Issue
22. Shade varieties on the 1911-1928 Admiral Issue
23. Gum types on the 1911-1928 Admiral Issue
24. Paper types on the 1911-1928 Admiral Issue
25. The retouched and re-drawn frameline varieties on the 1911-1928 Admiral Issue
26. Re-entries on the 1911-1928 Admiral Issue
27. Booklets of the 1911-1928 Admiral Issue
28. The coil stamps of the 1911-1928 Admiral Issue
29. Lathework on the 1911-1928 Admiral Issue
30. Cracked plates of the 1911-1928 Admiral Issue
31. Plate multiples of the 1911-1928 Admiral Issue
32. Postal stationery of the 1911-1928 Admiral Issue
33. Postal history of the 1911-1928 Admiral Issue
34. The 1924 imperforates and 1926 part-perforate stamps of the 1911-1928 Admiral Issue
35. The 1926 2c on 3c surcharged stamps of the 1911-1928 Admiral Issue
36. The 1931 Admiral Provisional Issue
37. Tips for collecting the 1911-1928 Admiral Issue.


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